Photos and Fun Trips -
Camotes Islands
About twice a year a group of sponsored students, friends, and Paul would plan a three or four day trip to explore another part of the Visayas. In 2000, from May 6 - 9, ten people went on a boat trip to the Camotes Islands, about three hours northeast of Cebu. These four islands offer abundant natural beauty and a more relaxed pace of life than can be found near the Cebu metropolis. They lived on the boat, and spent the four days exploring the islands, swimming, hiking and eating fresh fish and fruit. From the fiesta in Santiago, San Francisco, to underground swimming in Bukilat Caverns, to the white beaches of Tulang Islet, it was a great time.
Landing on the beach at Tulang Islet
Travelling on the Michelle and Mikie Jr.
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